Saturday, February 28, 2009

Color and Season Chapter 4

For the project Color and season I designed a color collage composition for the season summer. For me nothing says early summer more than flowers in full bloom in Homer Alaska. You would think that flowers would bring to mind thoughts of spring, and they do. Although in Homer we get our flowers in early summer; so for me flowers mean summer.

For my color scheme I developed a color triad consisting of two related colors yellow and orange, and a contrasting color of blue. I choose these colors to help communicate the message and feel of summer. Yellow is a warm color that is associated with sunlight and energy. Orange is active, appetizing, and hot. Orange is made from two warm colors and is associated with sunsets. Both colors yellow and orange invoke feelings of those long sunny summer days. The blue in the composition adds contrast to the orange background and makes the images of summer stand out. This small amount of blue, which represents a cool temperature, reinforces the overwhelming warm temperature colors of summer. This slight warm-cool contrast works toward that warm summer feel. I choose summer flower photos with yellow in them to support my color scheme.

With my composition people’s eyes are drawn first to the title, from the title viewers eyes are taken slightly down and to the left to the image with butterflies; this image has a dominate yellow color. Viewer’s eyes are then taken in a circular counter clockwise motion around the collage and then to the center image that again has yellow flowers. The images in the collage were specifically positioned in order to accomplish this visual round trip view of the composition.

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